Do I Need a Stucco Inspection?

Many people ask, do I need a stucco inspection?

I’ll try and answer that question as simply as possible. Stucco systems that have been installed over the last 30 years can tend to suffer from a very common issue. Although the stucco itself has no problem, the components behind the stucco can fail to function. The most common kind of failure is that moisture is allowed to pass from the drainage area to the wooden part of the structure. Unfortunately, when this happens the wood usually rots. Wood rot often leads to further structural issues and mold infiltration.

So how can I tell if I need a stucco inspection?

Unfortunately, identifying if this most major common problem exists is difficult. There are no visual indicators that are sure fire ways to know the problem does not exist.

Failed Stucco Inspection

There are a few visual indicators that can show that you may have water infiltration.

Obviously, if there is a hole in the stucco that allows you to see behind the surface, you’ll most likely see rotted wood there. Penetrations to the stucco should be sealed with caulk. Larger attachments such as porches and windows should be caulked and flashed. Perpendicular gutter terminations should be flashed. Absence of these items is a sign that the wood structure could have moisture.

Costs associated with stucco remediation projects

can range from $10,000 to over $200,000. I’ve seen 4000sf colonial homes that required $150,000 in remediation. Generally, problems with the wood structure are only identifiable with our inspection process.

About half of the inspections we perform identify a problem.

Many home owners would prefer not to know if they have these issues.  Unfortunately, these issues become worse over time.  Eventually, once the moisture saturates the drywall, a major mold problem will follow.  If you have a stucco system that was installed in the last 30 years, you should have a stucco inspection performed.  If you are buying a stucco home, the stucco inspection will be the most important inspection you get. Click here to see our process

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