Stucco House

Stucco Inspection Cost Berwyn, PA

 How much does a stucco inspection cost?

This will depend on the kind of stucco inspection you select.  Stucco Safe offers inspections which start at $395 Stucco Inspection Cost .  We look at the size of the home and difficulty.  What kind of inspection is being performed?  These things change the price.  Give us a call and we can discuss the inspection that is right for you and give you an instant price quote.

Getting the right stucco inspection is important.  We perform both initial inspections, as well as “second opinion” inspections.  When is a second opinion inspection required?  Typically, when clients shop on price alone they can end up with inspectors that perform stucco inspections as an add on and it is not their primary career.  Still others offer both inspections and repairs.

Many would not find it surprising that a company who offers both inspection and repair may find more problems than an independent inspection company would.  Does all the stucco need to be torn off?  That is sometimes an opinion.  If the primary job of the person performing your inspection is to do this kind of repair, they can easily arrive at that conclusion.

At Stucco Safe we perform an independent evaluation of the stucco cladding.  We also take several precautions which help us avoid common false positive readings.  This leads to a more accurate picture of the condition of the stucco system and wether it needs major repairs or minor repairs.

If you spent too little on your stucco inspection and are concerned it may not be accurate give us a call.  This is an easy step before you spend tens of thousands of dollars on major repairs that may not be needed.  The cost of the Stucco Safe inspection is the minimum required to get a reliable result from a highly trained and certified inspector.

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