Stucco Inspection in Edison, NJ

Stucco Inspectors in Edison, NJ

When searching for stucco inspectors in Edison, NJ Stucco Safe is the best choice!

Stucco has been used for decades throughout Bergen County.  Many people are unaware that issues with stucco have nothing to do with bad contractors, or sub-par materials.  The primary reason stucco systems have leakage problems throughout Stucco Inspector in Edison, NJ Bergen County is the result of  design flaws.  These flaws are related to the assembly order as well as the materials specified. This is why stucco inspectors in Edison, NJ are so important.

Why do you need stucco inspectors in Edison NJ and surrounding areas?

If you have a home constructed with a stucco cladding system, it is very important to understand if there is leakage behind the stucco.  The most common problem with a stucco system installed over the last 30 years is leakage to the wood structure.  ThisStucco Test Failure leaking is small amounts of water over long periods of time.  Eventually, the wall structure including the sheathing as well as the studs and framing become wet.  As everyone knows, when wood is exposed to moisture for an extended period, it will begin to rot. Eventually, the inside of the wall turns to mushy wood pulp and significant structural problems result.

Bergen County wasn’t the first place to have stucco problems

During the 1980s there were frequent problems identified with EIFS (Externally Insulated Finishing System) systems in the Carolinas.  Many of these newer, grand homes, were rotting from the inside out.  These homes were built with what some people refer to as synthetic stucco.  This EIFS, sometimes known by a brand name Drivit, is styrofoam coated with a polymer.  EIFS can be easily shaped into intricate Stucco Inspection PA, NJ, DE shapes because the styrofoam can be easily melted.  This led to its popularity on higher end homes.  Unfortunately, many of these systems were trapping moisture leading to wood rot.

A Stucco Testing process was invented to check for leaking

What most people refer to as stucco inspection in Edison, NJ is actually a measurement process to identify stucco leaking.  It was invented for the EIFS systems.  This same process is used for EIFS stucco as well as traditional hard coat stucco.  What’s Involved in a Stucco Inspection? In this process the wood components are checked for moisture.  These components can only be reached by drilling through What's involved in a stucco inspection the surface of the stucco.  This is often referred to as invasive stucco testing, or invasive stucco testing.

How often do I need to have an invasive stucco inspection performed?

This depends.  If you have never had an invasive stucco inspection, you should call Stucco Safe today, the best stucco inspectors in Edison, NJ.  Damage from leaks in stucco systems always get worse over time.  It’s also important to know, leakage can be prevented.  Stucco Systems built to the old code can be modified to not leak.  Preventing leakage generally involves keeping moisture out from behind the stucco system all together.  We have a saying in our business, “caulk is cheap”.  Although many stucco systems were sold as “maintenance free”, this is simply not the case.  Maintaining sealants in a stucco system are one of the most important things you’ll keep up on  as a homeowner.

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